looking back over the slightly seven decades of my life, I have noticed one common denominator, MODIFICATION! The need to change, depending on the era, environment and public that I associate or worked with, on any given level. Most of us would like to believe that we are unchangeable, especially when a negative attachment is given to that premise. It is indeed judged as unstable, double minded or wishy-washy. Whatever the connotations that are associated with "Changing," one cannot ignore the necessity to alter one's scope of view, whether by heredity, exposure or popular influence, we are recipients of common thought expectations, to the extinct that self-improvement is sometimes frowned on or undesirable. It doesn't however change the fact that adjustments in our lives are needed at different intervals. Now the difficulty lies within implementation of that alteration when people that you have a relationship with are affected. Yes, that causes others to have to adjust their actions when it comes to you. Few will take exception to the slight inconvenience, and some will move on but ultimately in order for you to grow, adaptation is needed.
No generation remains the same and this rings true when it comes to humans evolving into what they should become individually. To do otherwise can prevent you from performing within the very purpose for which you were born. We have a habit at times to ask for help from God to do the very thing that He created and placed within us the tools necessary to become and be authentically you. When needing to read an article from a paper that lies on a nightstand, one would need to lift the paper from that furniture and begin reading. It is inside the boundary of the person to do so. Yet, we believe that God is obligated to render service where we clearly can take on the task ourselves. When we discover or perhaps re-discover who we are and should become, then the realization will set in, that change is uncomfortable but inevitable for progression. The ingredients are stored in you and ready for activity when summoned.
Moving from that which is so familiar and going beyond people, places and things require courage, determination, preparation and an insight of what is to come, as opposed to what has been. Believe in the God in you and the journey that He ordered for your path, they are great steps, so walk in them. Distinguish the difference of noises. Are they a distraction or an attraction? Make note of everything around you (Including People) that will affect your story, be it bad or good. Understand that everything in your life is either significant or insignificant but, should still be noticed and noted. You may never know the impact a thing can have on your mind-body. Some losses are great, good or bad in the long run and you must be capable of discerning the proper category of each.
Start now! There's no better time than right now. Every moment ignored, is a moment wasted, that you will never see again, so don't practice procrastination, but rather determination. Remember that there's just God, you and your voyage, are you going to sail and explore what's in store or sit, stare and just imagine? No, take the action and fulfill each promise that was specifically made for and about you. Don't confuse another person's trek, that you read about or just want to associate yourself with their awesome status. They are participating in their own hike and don't need a co-pilot (You) attached to their flight. Allow the scripture of your life to become alive and the verses of each year to have meaning. The Master has the travel map and blueprint, designed with you in mind. Plans that appear to need altering? trust the fact that God saw this in advance. Stay the road of wise counsel, much prayer and revelated word, keep these in your inventory, you will need them when you least expect it.
Go ahead, Recreation or Alteration. IT'S YOUR CHOICE!
1 Comments on this post:
Tracye Hawthorne
Such a profound and thought provoking word. As I read each line, I could relate to the message and saw how and where each statement could be applied to my life.
I appreciate the ability to acknowledge my short comings and grateful for the faithful teaching that allows me to be able to identify and modify who I have been so I can walk in who I am meant to be.
God is not obligated to render service in areas where He has given us the tools to handle for ourselves.
Powerful Archbishop, thank you