Although we may seem to be living in a time of extreme self-gratification, the need for understanding is greater than the previous eras that gave more weight to that virtue. Over exposure to the pleasures of personal indulgence have permeated our society in every aspect until it would appear that the need for temperance is no longer relevant. What's actually important to our current generation is the belief of individual recognition above all, even when logic or common sense (which isn't common anymore) is absent.
I, as a youth, once believed that the term "WISDOM" was for the aged and seniors and would have plenty of time to catch up as I aged. This word had no real value for me or those within my peer group, I did however respect it, and believed the elders that demonstrated uprightness in my presence were a special kind of people, but not me.
I guess there wasn't really a need for this aged terminology until I was faced with adversities that my inexperienced thoughts couldn't weather. Talk about storms, whew, I faced more than my share. I least I felt that way. Being educated, possessing Charisma and on my way to having wonderful exposure and possible highlight. What else was needed with these incredible attributes? Does this sound familiar to you? Well, I felt, as if I had it all. Until reality kicked me square in the head. You see, "WISDOM" is not a young thing, old thing, rich or poor thing. Not a bottled substance for influent systems, nor influence or affluent persons. To be perfectly clear, it's not even a thing, but a quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgement. Yes, the quality of being wise.
We are admonished to "Buy wisdom and sell it not" Prov. 23:23. This certainly suggest that "WISDOM" is a much-needed component for everyone living currently as well as the existence of all former humanity. Each year should show a harvest of growth from a previous seed that was planted in our life. I think now that we shared what "WISDOM" is and it's need and effect, we should also include in this writing, what it is not. 'WISDOM" is not quick, speedy or fast. It is not in a relay race or trigger happy as in quick draw. "WISDOM" is not a popularity event. It is not a show to entertain onlookers for excitement. In fact, "WISDOM" is looked down on at times, very slow to show the results of its utilization. Nevertheless, we all should be mindful and cognizant of practical sagacity insight and avoid the pitfall of foolish actions and responses.
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